It isn’t as simple as “I am left brain and analytical and logical!”, or “I am right brain and creative!”
Modern research tells us otherwise. We engage all the brain, in varying degrees, depending on our individual makeup and the activities and tasks we are engaged in. Right and left hemispheres of the brain engage in different fashions and there are areas of dominance. If this sort of thing interests you, Dr. Iain McGilchrist’s work (Psychiatrist) is interesting. You can get a brief and easy to follow sample (about 12 minutes long) of his work at: .
He is an interesting speaker.
The ancients understood that “our heart” dwells within us at a deeper level. Ancient cultures often saw it as much closer to the stomach area, where we can sense deep feelings and impressions. When you experience emotions deeply, you often feel them “in your gut.”
In the graphic, we are showing the two “halves of the brain” (or hemispheres) in a dance with the heart.
Yes, we are VERY concerned about Climate Change and the impacts on Community.