Reimagine My Community

Rocks and Streams

The Principle of Balance

We aren’t against structures, protocols, or legislation.

ALWAYS, the problem comes when systems are not in balance or inappropriate for the context.

Structure, protocols and legislation can never impart life or Community. Societies do not design laws with life in mind (it is a mistake to think they do). Laws are more like goal posts, line markers, and boundaries. Without them, society cannot function.

You know the drill.

60 mph (or 100 km/h) speed limit signs are there for a reason. Those little flashing lights on top of police cars remind us not to get carried away too much!

But life carries a trump card.

If a child is dying in the back seat and you are rushing to the hospital, law enforcement officials will often help you out with the speed limit thing when there are no other options at hand.

Choose life but remember the laws of the land.

The Principle of Rocks and Streams

We see the principle of Rocks and Streams in nature. Hard things (like Rocks) hold fluid things (like Streams). Otherwise, the stream goes every which way.

All rocks (or sand) and nothing can grow.

We need appropriate and timely amounts of water.

Everything around us is in a grand dance of sorts. Be it the skies and the universe or any ecosystem, opposites and balancing factors are everywhere.

When they get out of balance (ahem, climate and weather), buckle up!

The Principle of Bones and Flesh

Dating skeletons is no fun. The bones make way too many rattly noises when you are dancing.

Neither would you want to hang out with someone without bones. It gets rather pointless and formless after a while.

The ballerina is quite the opposite. She needs the fullness of a healthy and trained body to create beauty in her dance.

We need structure to make a body—bones. But don’t plan on it being much use without all the other body parts.

People are like that. Sometimes the most unusual of characters are quite important.

Precision and Flow Come Together

Balanced Communities

Find the right people to work with to help maintain balance in your Community. People who understand Rocks and Streams. Typically, they aren’t specialists. They aren’t anything-go types, nor are they dogmatic-and-stuck types.

By doing so, your Community won’t tilt too heavily in one direction.
