Reimagine My Community

Knowledge and Education

We Support Understanding and Knowledge

Undue Emphases

We support the value of learning, understanding, and knowledge.

However, an undue emphasis on the world of academia and endless learning, without counterbalance, can be harmful. We end up with a set of undue emphases in society.

This risks focusing on “left brain” (an overused term) activities. When we place knowledge on a pedestal, we risk the loss of other important values, such as mercy, justice, and care for the oppressed or disadvantaged.

When knowledge takes its rightful place alongside other aspects of our being, we provide value to humanity.

Modern Education Systems

We don’t believe that modern education systems always provide optimal learning pathways. The range of learning and intellectual intake needs for a student vary, and often to a large degree. What works for one does not automatically work for another.

Undue systemization of learning systems diminishes our innate creativity. Yes, “standardized” grading and assessment models are much easier to work with. IQ tests, personality tests and GPA numbers—including LSAT and MCAT scores—often move us away from creative right brain functions. It is easier to put people in a categorical bucket instead of nourishing and working with their unique pathways.

While the modern educational system may serve the monetization and power needs of a post-industrial and capitalist world, it may not meet the needs of the student’s personal growth. When the system defines “growth”—within and from the educational models—we move away from individual creative development. Yet creativity and innovation are critical to our society!

Whazz up? (Mr. Whoot and Muttlee checking in … kinda’ wondering).

Capitalism and Feudalism

Capitalism only works with a minimal threshold number of “worker bees.”.There is nothing quite like intercepting minds at the early stages of learning and neural plasticity to raise a harvest of willing and doting worker bees. Capitalism requires the masses despite best efforts at sequestration of AI-based robots and other replacements.

Feudal systems—regardless of the century and point in time—need the masses or they cannot function and grow. Implosion and collapse are the only logical outcomes if the system lacks worker bees.

Feudalism wearing a tuxedo and driving an exotic car is still feudalism. The castle walls and moats are just less visible. When the feudal system reigns, serfs remain as serfs. Feudalism’s thinking, when extended into large corporations and government, diminishes the masses.

Clones and Creativity

Clones cannot move in the realm of heart or spirit of imagination. The deck of creative endeavor is stacked against them. Neo-feudalism, hatched from the incubators of failing societal systems, only exacerbates reduction of Creativity within Community.

Systems of enforced inequalities create fatal and existential feedback loops that will, given enough time, collapse. Even prisons know to feed prisoners “just enough” to keep the prisoners alive. But not enough food to permit strength to overtake the guards.

Yet, in doing so, we diminish the larger opportunities that economic models and societies need. Governments, business and societies need the masses. BUT, not in a place of serfdom or disguised slavery infused from early years through education.

We must never diminish the value of creativity and imagination. When we diminish their value, we “shoot ourselves in the foot” and cripple helpful growth for the Community in aggregate. We end up lame and cannot run a race set before us.

Within Community, we must Reimagine our approach to education and learning. We must rethink our acquisition of knowledge.

Another morning rant from Mr. Whoot.

We need to shoo him away to chase a mouse.


Counterbalance implies Reimagine

Re-imagination of Community means we must engage in new thinking for new solutions.


We must build foundations within the realm of creativity. This means “right brain,” “creativity,” “the heart,” and “the spirit.”

Some readers may prefer “the heart” or simply the “inner aspects of the person” instead of “the spirit.”

Anti-Learning and Anti-Intellectual Positions

We do not support or encourage positions that militate against learning and knowledge and communication of it.

Truth assists in freedom. Freedom of speech is critical to a healthy society.

A lack of knowledge can cause individuals (and Communities) harm. We learned this the hard way from using lead pipes to carry water.

Some of history’s greatest travesties have been imposed upon the masses by those in power and with wealth, when there is a lack of education, learning, and knowledge.

It is with good reason dictators often go after the educated and the thinkers. Their insights are a threat.

Exceptionalism and Intellectual Arrogance

If you understand everything, you must be misinformed.

— Japanese Proverb —

Less is More

Yes, we know that being the Top-Dog, Wealthiest-Kid-in-Town, Brightest-in-the-Class, or Living-in-the-Nicest-House brings feelings of being on top.

We do not support this.

We ask for a counterbalance. It’s not damagingexcept to our innate mortal tendencies towards pride.

Try serving others.

Trade positions with the restaurant server or the sanitary engineer (they used to be called garbage truck drivers) … even if only for a season to learn life’s lessons.

Lowliness and humility leads to true knowledge.

This principle applies not only at a personal level but also within Community.

This principle applies at a national level. Be an example of humility and service and other nations will praise you.

Save the pecking-order for the barnyard rooster.

At least he protects the flock …

Table of Contents
