Reimagine My Community

Despair and Hope

Opposites and Uniqueness


It’s always a challenge to know how to best balance opposites.

We recognize, in a wide range of personalities and perspectives, that readers will come into content on this website with many expectations and viewpoints.

It’s a bit like couples—opposites often attract. One is serious. The other is more light-hearted. One likes vegetables. And the other likes food products with unpronounceable names.

Then there are funerals. Some need to weep and grieve. Others, often at the request of the departing one, have a time to celebrate, tell jokes, and even dance.

One person is laughing and rolling on the floor in a movie. The next one walks out offended or declares it “just dumb.”

We tackle some very serious topics.

Global warming and climate change can impact where and how one can live and survive. That impacts Community.

Perhaps work takes one to urban settings. But your family needs require more rural activities and additional Community support structures.

Differences and Working Through

Joy and Sorrow, Serious and Light, Hope and Despair. We all encounter a wide range of experience and personal journey.

Science and Our Society

We hope that science can help with some of the climate problems. Yet there are many competent opinions that contradict this (we have left it too long and the problem is too large).

It is a mistake to center our hope on science and human progress: there are other considerations. We support science and research focused on helping humanity.

Broken political and socio-economic systems are not helping. The love of money and power isn’t helping.

Our Youth

In a recent survey (Kantar (UK), reporting by the BBC at, they noted many young people carried concerns and worries about the future.

Their concerns are valid.

But “concerns” or “worries” are likely a serious understatement. Emotions such as “despair” or “hopelessness” are often closer to the mark.

Many see a bleak future that is closer to a sad dystopian novel. Troubling … at a gut level.

Hope and Journey

n Reimagine, we want to leave you with some hope. While we believe the future isn’t looking good at all, at least in the short-term, we believe that long-term solutions will present themselves.

However, those solutions will not come through conventional means. We believe solutions will come. We believe solutions will need more than the latest and greatest CO2-eating invention.

Tapping into your internal creativity and reimagining Community is a compelling starting point. But that just starts your Journey. We are going to need some help to fix this place we call Planet Earth: Our Shared Home.

We like to believe that even Our Shared Home (including plants, animals and all living things) hopes for something better in their own way.

We believe the larger solutions—the ones that birth hope and light within us—are independent of us, but available. We believe the problems are massive. They are of a scope and magnitude such that we need help.

Solutions exist in the realm of heart. Of reimagination. Of creativity.

Solutions for Community, and our homes and hearts, exist in the realm of spirit.

Journey wisely as you choose your pathway and what and who you place your trust and faith in.

In whatever form that takes.

Journey and choose wisely.

Turn chains into creativity.

Turn sorrows to soaring.

Let your dreams, your journey of Reimagine, take flight.

Even if you were an unwanted child, true Community can help birth you for great things!

But the chains will never tell you that.
