Reimagine My Community
Is the world and its systems (The System) getting:
(a) Saner?
(b) Nuttier?
We tackle everything from where you want to live and work to just relaxing and hanging out. Housing. Location. Food Supply. Climate. Jobs. Lifestyle. Issues (too many to count—The System is a genius at creating issues).
Solutions—that YOU create—amidst current global challenges.
(answer hints further down)
The Naughty List is growing as we create our own woes and problems.
“The last thing they need is another lump of coal … they will just burn it and increase the problems …”
Santa’s Diary of Musings on Earth-Dwellers
Some groan without words … even when dying …
Will life on planet earth be the same as the years to come unfold?
“Would be nice” but even farmers gazing at the sky, without supercomputers, know when a storm threatens or the winds will change.
Forced change from the climate or other forces. Climate-Induced Migration and Mobility. Refugees. Changes in food supply chains. Economic changes.
The list is long….
Yes, we are VERY concerned about Climate Change and the impacts on Community.