When you Grow a Community Vision, there are many factors to consider. It is best to consider them in advance to the best of the ability of you and your team. If a new location is part of the Grow thinking, what does that look like?
If you have lived in the city all your life, how will you feel about the kind Christmas gift from the neighbor’s wife (she’s vegan and keeps pigs as her beloved pets)?
That’s a pet, by the way … and its name is not Bacon.
Can you really rely on Government and Big Business to deliver the needed water to your Community Vision?
Propane? Diesel? Gas?
What about reliable supplies of food and clean water for you, your family and your Community?
This one is a straightforward decision. We need it.
How will you and your team manage risks?
Be thoughtful and consider the tried and true. Whether it is a farm, a village or a shared cooperative venture, others have trodden good pathways before you. But sometimes, events from left field and life’s curve balls can impact—big time!—your ability to Grow the Vision.
Do you need to incorporate additional Creativity and Contingencies into your plans? If so, consider looping back to the earlier stages (Home Page, Briefing, Journey) and consider additional areas of reflection or a revisiting.
While there are certain advantages (“Economies of Scale”) to centralized distribution hubs and transportation systems, we have seen some glaring “Issues” with viruses and weather events. Beyond glaring sometimes: people have died that didn’t need to.
Do we need to return to simpler models or just take a “calculated risk” and hope the policy makers nail it? What needs to change to minimize risk for our families?
Reconsider the value of SMALL things. That’s how plants start—with a SEED. If they are too BIG, we need to prune them or cut them down.
Large and entrenched systems do not—and often cannot—change as quickly as they need to.
Reimagined Communities need to look at factors like their power needs and existing infrastructure capabilities. Consider alternatives in your times of reflection and discussion. What was predictable 20 years ago is proving less predictable today.
Not everything that is BIG and NEW is automatically GOOD. Or, SAFE.
Large Governments, organizations and corporations often have “agendas, policies and methods” that can compromise personal liberties.
Are we against government or necessary forms of organization of various pursuits? No—not at all. But pursuing money and wealth can shape many decisions.
How do we return to personal liberty and choice yet not lose some advantages of things in common?
What about those so-called old and out-of-date methods? Some of them have evolved over the centuries for good reason. Do we need to rediscover some of those?
Not everything that is BIG and NEW is automatically GOOD. Or SAFE.
Remember the Titanic. Great movie! Yes, we know movie opinions vary.
Do you remember the line before the ship sailed? “Even God Himself could not sink this ship.”
Take 2 on that cut of wisdom from the reliable sources.
Remember the unthinkable in history.
Remember 9-11.
Ice storms. Fire storms. Hurricanes. Floods. Earthquakes.
Remember the lessons of history.
Remember the Titanic.
And the icy Atlantic waters… survivors heard the last cry 40 minutes after those perishing hit the waters.
Then there was silence … except for the quiet lapping of the waves … for all breathing had stopped.
Yes, we are VERY concerned about Climate Change and the impacts on Community.