Reimagine My Community


We Hope Wisdom and Deep Insights Revisit

Knowledge-Pro's and Jets

A not-so-minor, by the way.…

We are geniuses at chasing after knowledge and running around the globe.

If we touch the image< tap or hover! >—we veil and obscure wisdom.

But there is something beyond knowledge, and we don’t mean the latest deep learning in AI.

Beyond Knowledge-Pro's and Jets

That something is when reimagination, creativity and wisdom come together.

Just having lots of neurons running at the engine redline (coffee helps) doesn’t mean wisdom and deep insights come. As in automatically on cruise control.

Let’s not confuse knowledge with wisdom. They aren’t the same. You can have enough PhDs and accreditations to fill both sides of a business card. That is meaningless in the realm of wisdom.

Knowledge? We can chase that until the cows come home (whenever that is).

Knowledge alone is not enough to fix the humongous topics (like Climate Change).

Allow us to repeat that: Climate Change, and Global Warming, needs more than knowledge to fix.

Just make a Robot?

In one rather semi-amusing (and creepy) interview with a robot (2016 – Sophia. Sample text at, we humans sound somewhat optional in the murky but fledgling worlds of AI. Hopefully, their algorithms and approach move beyond its infancy.

Our greater concern is that if our society has enough challenges learning wisdom, what of the androids (throw cyborgs and humanoids in for good measure)? Stephen Hawking was, and Elon Musk is, concerned about where AI might take us. We agree—it’s a big concern.

Good luck getting wisdom into AI, given that we all have issues in the realm of wisdom. Stuff to work through. Issues beget issues. Always, always, always.

Humans-with-issues beget AI-with-issues. It’s inevitable that AI will have issues. To assume that imperfect makes perfection? Rrright—tell us another one.

We think it is … how do we put this semi-tactfully? … a no-brainer …

Wisdom and Climate Change

The Natural Order of Things

It’s when we depart from the natural order of things—thinking we are ever-so-smart—that we are asking for trouble. Breaking natural laws (like pumping out greenhouse gases on steroids) is just asking for trouble.

Industries that rely on fossil fuels (there are many) are quite good at pursuing knowledge and profits. Not so good at pursuing wisdom. If wisdom reigned in their thinking, their approach, their business model and core values, would have changed quite some time ago. Rather, they are adept at fiddling about in one’s mind and perceptions while they chase after money.

Substance, Not Fluff

We don’t think concerned activists such as Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jane Fonda, Inger Andersen, Robert Redford, William Nordhaus or Brad Pitt do this for no reason. There are other things they could choose to do in life. The list goes on and on. Julia Roberts. Harrison Ford. Lupita Nyong’o. Liam Neeson. Malaika Vaz. David Suzuki. David Attenborough.

We do activists that are not on this list, an injustice. There are many more with deep devotion and global impacts. We salute them.

Regardless of your position on the specifics of their views or motives, they all recognize the need for meaningful change (as in NEEDED and MEANINGFUL).

The folks in that list—many are well-known—are looking for SUBSTANCE. There are many more highly competent individuals that could’ve been on that list.

We share their deep concern.

Reimagine doesn’t want the usual blather, empty promises and words that go nowhere. We think the persons in that list are looking for something with substance. Something that’s real. Something that rings true. Something that shifts the status quo in a positive direction for our shared benefit.

Wisdom demands meaningful change.

Wisdom, Not Greenwashing

A by-the-way on this climate thing and wisdom.

Greenwashing (also known as posturing or BS) doesn’t mean an organization is doing something meaningful about moving towards a greener and more sustainable model. It’s just playing in knowledge’s sandbox.

Greenwashing is a bit like religion’s sandbox—whitewashed on the outside but full of dead men’s bones inside. We have no quarrel with meaningful and true spirituality and worship that helps humanity in practical ways. How about basic and core stuff like love, mercy and justice from a pure heart? We support that. Caring for the earth and the disadvantaged and oppressed? We support that.

It’s the greenwashing or whitewashing (aka—hypocrisy) that’s problematic with an undue focus on legalism, knowledge and carrying on like the self-appointed Grand Poobahs of Planet Earth. Priests of the love-of-money to whom we must pay homage as the drivel of propaganda comes forth from the machinery of its bowels. We have little patience or interest in that form of religion.

Let’s roll with some old-fashioned wisdom for a change.

There seems to be a major supply shortage of that the last while … must be a global shipping or logistics problem….

We need more than Knowledge

Knowledge alone will not bail us out of the climate change mess we find ourselves in.

We will need more than knowledge.

But, that’s enough ranting (for now).

Save greenwashing for where it belongs.

Washing green veggies in the kitchen sink.

Table of Contents
