Reimagine My Community
Sometimes we forget the differences between being childlike and childish. Sometimes we view being “childlike” as a place of immaturity. Usually, watching the fans at the Super Bowl cures that perspective!
Reimagine intentionally injects fun and childlike perspectives throughout the site and within different sections.
A childlike approach is often necessary to “un-package” and “release” lost curiosity and the ability to imagine and to create.
No matter our age, we must not lose the ability to play rope-tug-of-war with a dog or peek-a-boo with children. It is those places of the heart that birth creativity and imagination.
Like Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act (1992), they inject laughter, liberty, and freedom in what seems “serious” and “reverent.” An excellent movie with a message.…
Yes, we are VERY concerned about Climate Change and the impacts on Community.