Reimagine My Community

We All Need a Hand Up

Different Places in Life

Poor or Rich - You aren't asking too much

Food. Housing. Enough income to make ends meet.

Love. Friendship.

Dignity. Meaningful purpose in life.

Companionship for your journey in life.

The basics of living on Planet Earth.

We do not intend this website as a quick fix pill and everything will be better. This website is NOT a microwave oven.

It provides pathways forward to help build hope with solid and long-term foundations. Those foundations come with others (Community) and this involves you interacting with others.

Some of that can involve hard work.

It involves patience. The principles on this site do not encourage laziness. The site encourages a good work ethic.

If you can’t work for a valid reason, then this site will—we hope—provide some options to explore with others. A good Community is sensitive to those with legitimate needs and who need a hand up.

Raising children or helping someone you know that needs a hand? That’s a valid form of work. Our society often used a restrictive definition of “work” in everyday conversation.

If you are wealthy, we speak to that below. We know very well that you have hurdles and sorrows as well.

Starting Points Vary

Broke. Broken. Hundreds of resume rejections. On the street. On drugs. Creditors calling. Major discouragement (that’s a good day—the rest is just depressing). Too old. No family support. Family torn apart. Fill in the blank of your situation.

But a healthy bank account does not create escape hatches from sorrow.

Hopeless? You could write a book on that topic.

Ready to do something extreme?

Maybe. We hope not and we hope we can encourage you to move forward in life despite your despair.

Family that just doesn’t get it? They are all wrapped up in their perfect (or perfectly dysfunctional) world….

The list goes on and on.

Good Communities always reach out to those with less.

Hang in there. We encourage you to take some time to look at this website. Or, if you don’t have the internet, to ask someone to look it over for you. Perhaps they can help.

Some Heart-to-Heart

This web page is a kind of heart-to-heart page.

We don’t know your situation or what desperate looks like, or feels like, in your shoes.

That will vary by country and region in a country. Individual families and individuals encounter specific needs and hardships.

Current social safety net programs and systems might not meet the short-term needs of countries, regions, families, and individuals.

What this site is asking of you, if you are feeling desperate, is to take a deep breath with us and then work towards solutions. We hope we can be part of your journey. Whether that is breaking cycles of poverty, hunger, housing, jobs or friendship, we look at those topics. Please see the section below on Social Safety Nets.

We know it might be difficult to think about these topics (or even take a deep breath) when your daily existence is spinning around or is in the dumps and gutters of life.

Empty stomachs, or shivering overnight on the street in old threadbare clothes, make it difficult to see beyond today.

Meeting pressing immediate and short-term needs calls out.

When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your initial aim was to drain the swamp.

The Wealthy and Privileged Hurt Too

Their hurt won’t be for a roof over their head, transportation, money for vacations or food on the table.

But even the wealthy take their own lives out of sheer desperation with their personal situations.

Betrayal. Loneliness and emptiness that is as barren as a desert. Broken families. Children on drugs. Hidden alcoholism.

Elderly family members with dementia or Alzheimers.


The paparazzi. Media-bigots-worse-than-howling-hyenas. Shattered dreams.

Deep searching on whether their life has contributed to others and has meaning. Illusions and cartoons on the outside … holes inside.

We know of wealthy people who love to vacation in campsites or villages—some of those getaway spots are quite humble and plain. Why do they do this? It’s simple. They have found down-to-earth folks that value them and their friendship, and not for their money. 5-Star hotels—or phony friendships with agendas—lost to something with roots and heart.

The wealthy are not devoid of difficulties. Yes, having adequate financial resources assists with many things in life.

Except for broken hearts and internal voids wider than the Grand Canyon. Sorrow’s ocean of humanity is vast. We can never diminish seas full of tears by ignoring the track of their tears. Or tears disguised by laughter.

Social Safety Nets

Perhaps you are desperate with one or more of hundreds of needs. If so, please reach out to your local places of support.

As we develop website content, we may add additional suggestions for where to go for help. But we don’t really see that as our core mission in life. Our mission surrounds Reimagining of Community. There may be additional options we choose to express within Rethink My Community. We aren’t there yet in content development.

Please ask your local professionals (e.g., doctor, nurse, care worker, police, first responders, social agencies) or places of outreach (e.g., workers at soup kitchens, missions, churches, a neighbor, willing and mature friends, local service clubs) for suggestions. Often, local websites, bulletin boards or newspapers have suggestions or lists of places to go for help with your area of need.

The ultimate solution, self-harm, is not a solution (although it may feel like it in acute times). Do your very best to reach out for support. People do care about you and your situation and want to see you whole and happy.

Purpose and Destiny

Purpose and Destiny, in a healthy Community, tend towards emotional and mental well-being. This helps remove risk.

This does not remove all risk; however, the scales can tip in your favor—dramatically, with a good solid Community surrounding you!

This website is about helping grow healthy Communities.

Hang in there!

You are valuable and worthy.

Table of Contents
